Are You a Canidate for Stem Cell Therapy?

How Will You Choose To Live Your Life?

Countless Americans suffer from disorders that leave them with few treatment options. Our medical facility in safe and beautiful Colombia can offer you stem cell therapy for neurological and autoimmune disorders that may not be available in the U.S for many more years.

Our Mission is to restore your health with the most advanced, non-surgical treatments known to mankind, so you can get back to living your life again.

Contact us for a consultation and discover the healing power of stem cell therapy!

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Is it Safe to Travel to Colombia for Stem Cell Therapy?

We’re asked this question all the time. Just watch the video to the right and you’ll see how comfortable people are arriving here, being here, receiving treatment, and enjoying our beautiful country. Many patients return with their families for vacations year after year because they love it here so much.

The people are wonderful, the food is great, the scenery is amazing, and our stem cell treatments are the best in the World. Visit our testimonials page to see what our patients say.

Did you know that the crime statistics and safety statistics prove that Pereira, Colombia is safer than Orlando, Fl, Las Vegas NV, and Maui Hawaii? It’s true and we’re happy to share that data with you.

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These Advanced Stem Cell Treatments Are Not Available In The U.S.

  • Can COPD Be Reversed?

    COPD can be helped greatly with stem cell therapy. One of the keys to living with COPD is to prevent further damage to the lungs so the patient can experience an improved quality of life. Stem cell therapy reduces the inflammation that causes breathing difficulties and research shows that tissue regeneration is indeed possible.

  • Stem Cell Heart Regeneration.

    Stem cell therapy after experiencing a cardiac event can facilitate the regeneration of damaged tissue. If you are suffering from coronary artery disease, stem cells can facilitate the formation of new blood vessels to help circumvent this dangerous condition. Stem cell therapy can also improve the integrity of the smallest blood vessels in the heart thus relieving chronic chest pains.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis.

    Arthritis is a degenerative disease resulting in the loss of cartilage that acts as a cushion between the bones. Stem cell therapy is engineered to repair and regrow cartilage. The success of this therapy can be traced to the stem cells ability to communicate valuable information and instructions to other cells in the body concerning tissue growth and healing.

  • Natural Remedies for Parkinson's.

    Recent research shows the potential for stem cell therapy to help the brain repair or replace the damaged neurons found in patients suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. Stem cells are also a source of transplantable dopamine producing nerve cells that are revolutionizing treatments for Parkinson’s.

  • Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment.

    Stem cell therapy is being used to slow MS disease activity and repair damage to the nervous system. This is very good news especially for those with more progressive forms of the disease. The stem cells used in our treatment protocols, instruct and aid the cells in the patient’s body to function properly thus improving the patient’s condition.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injuries.

    Studies show that stem cells injected in the area of a spinal cord injury can survive in the site of the injury and differentiate into different types of cells – the types of cells necessary for healing. This process has resulted in significant improvement in sensory and motor functions as well as neurological function for the patient.

  • Stem Cell Therapy for CTE.

    Recent evidence asserts that stem cell therapy may be a successful treatment option for the condition. Stem cells' ability to address the brain damage and excess inflammation characteristic of TBI and CTE may make them a valuable tool in overcoming the condition

  • Treating Crohn's Disease With Stem Cell Treatments.

    Stem cell therapy is a promising potential treatment option for people with Crohn's disease. Stem cell therapy has the potential to repair and regenerate damaged tissue and reduce inflammation.

How Do Our Patients Feel About Us?

  • Peter Parker


    I wanted to thank Mama Cells and their clinic for taking time to look over my case of my shoulder. I wrestled 20 years and hurt it weight lifting. I have been to Istanbul, Turkey, and Tijuana, Mexico for medical tourism. I live in San Diego and had immediate access to stem cell treatment in Tijuana, however for the same price that I was quoted in Tijuana I was able to get the dream trip to Colombia, airfare, hotel, more stem cells, and in my opinion a better quality treatment in Colombia. If I am spending the money I should get a trip out of it. Mama Cells showed me the beauty of Colombia, the quality of the clinics they offer, and I was sold.

    If you’re a traveler with looming injuries or a recent one, check out the packages Mama Cells offers and get the perfect vacation out of it. Excited for my treatment and I’ll see you guys in 2024.



  • Dylan Brown

    First off, I am excited for treatment with mamacells. I have never been to Latin America and for a first time trip I am so grateful that this firm is meeting me there and with me every step of the way. I have dealt with nagging shoulder injuries and was priced at $6000 and $7500 for the same injection that mamacells brokered for me. I also had my travel and hotel covered by mamacells for $5000- 50 million stemcells. I am also flying out of North Dakota and they didn't even bat an eye. They have me on the best flight with a small layover in Dallas. The doctor has been with me every step of the way and mamacells has made sure that there is absolutely 0 price gouging. Thank you guys for helping me out. Excited for this trip and excited for treatment with folks that care about me as a patient.

  • Mars Noumena

    As the owner-operator of a pedicab company, I’ve grappled with intermittent knee issues. Thanks to Mamacells, I received an injection, and they covered my travel and overhead costs at an affordable $4000. After a few months, my knee feels fantastic, and I eagerly anticipate returning for future treatment. I’m deeply grateful to Mamacells for connecting me with a clinic that prioritized my well-being as a patient. The inclusive travel and hotel package that accompanied the injection was unbeatable. It’s evident that Mamacells is committed to combating the exorbitant costs seen in some clinics. I appreciate their honesty and ethical practices. Warm regards, Mars

International Stem Cell Therapy

International stem cell clinics can offer treatments that are proven to be effective and safe. Our treatment protocol introduces healthy stem cells into an injured or diseased patient to facilitate tissue growth and healing. Our stem cell treatments have helped patients with Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism,TBI, and more.

Unfortunately for Americans suffering from neurological or autoimmune disorders, the U.S. government lags the rest of the World when it comes to advanced stem cell therapy. Perhaps, the strength of the lobbyists working on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies have influenced government officials and delayed the use of stem cell treatments in the U.S. This is why so many Americans travel to international stem cell therapy clinics like ours.

Fortunately, we have a World class International stem cell therapy clinic that helps Americans fight disease and injury with stem cell injections and IV therapy. We can help people suffering from; Cardiac Conditions, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, and more!

What’s Different in Our Stem Cell Treatments Than Those Performed in the U.S.

As we pointed out above, there are treatments that the U.S. does not allow to be performed on U.S. soil.

But let’s talk about the treatments the U.S. does allow. These are the treatments that address pain relief, cosmetic, and anti-aging.

In the U.S., stem cells cannot be enhanced or manipulated. They must be used exactly as they are when harvested. We can enhance and grow the stem cell population in a sample. This means that we can increase the number of stem cells in your treatment to twenty times that of what you would receive in the U.S.

If a knee pain treatment in the U.S. contains 5 –6 million stem cells, our treatments typically contain approximately 110 million stem cells. This increase in stem cells magnifies the effectiveness of the treatment significantly.


Anti-aging and cosmetic treatments:

  • Wrinkle Reduction
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Implant/Removal
  • Dental
  • Bbl
  • Lipo
  • Scar Reduction
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Male Enhancement
  • Facelift
  • Female Urinary Incontinence
  • Bio Facial
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation
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We also provide pain relief treatment for:

  • Knee Pain
  • Wrist Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Neck Pain
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Back Pain
  • and more
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Receive Your Treatment In South America. We Have Treatment Center's in Colombia & Costa Rica.

We customize packages to fit your comfort and budget.

We give patients a better overall lifestyle rather than treating one condition at a time so they can live happier, healthier lives. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

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